"THE MUSLIM WORLD" - A Journal devoted to the Study of
Christian-Muslim Relationship in Past and Present,
Quarterly, The Hartford Seminary Foundation, 55 Elizabeth
Street, Hartford, Connecticut, USA.
"THE CROSS AND THE FLAG" - Monthly magazine, Official organ
of the Christian Nationalist Crusade, P.O. Box 27895 Los
Angeles, California, USA.
Catatan kaki:
[1] Preface dari The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version,
terbitan Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
[2] Contoh di atas dikutip dari buku Pendeta Dr. A. Powell
Davies "The First Christian," halaman 73.
[3] "Apakah beda Gereja Roma-Katolik dan Reformasi," Dr. J.
[5] Untuk study lebih lanjut bacalah "The Ten Commandments,"
karangan pendeta Dr. A. Powell Davies, terbitan The New
American Library, New York.
[6] Cf. "Israel et pays arabes dans le Moyen-Orient depute,
1948, "Les Cahiers de l'Histoire, Paris octobre-novembre
1967, No. 70, p. 18-23.
[7] Saduran dari "Who owns The Holy Land," oleh Pendeta Max
A.X. Clark, Doctor of Divõnity.
[8] Max.A.X. Clark, Doctor of Divinity "The Cross and the
Flag" vol. 35/5 August 1976
[9] "The Cross and the Flag" Vol. 33/No. 3 June 1974.
[10] Cf. Encycl. Americana and Webster's New Intern. Dict.
[11] Majalah "Time" 30/12 1974, hal. 35.
[12] Das Leben Jesu nach judischen quellen, Berlin, 1902; J.
Klausner; Jesus of Nazareth, London, 1925, pp. 47 - 54, The
Muslim World, Hartford, USA. July 1967, p. 191.
[13] "The Cairo Geniza," halaman 222, terbitan ke II, 1959.
[14] Potter, Charles Francis, Rev. Dr. The Lost years of
Jesus Revealed - Fawcett World Library, 1958, N.Y; - USA
[15] Pada halaman 115 dan 116 dari bukunya "The First
[16] Hal ini ditulisnya pada halaman 74 dari bukunya "The
First Christian"
[17] Intisari dari "The History of the Origin of the
Doctrine of Trinity in the Christian Churchs" oleh Hugh H.
[18] Prof. Dr. G.J. VOSSIUS Gerhard Johann Vos. 1577 1649,
theolog Belanda, "De Theol. Gentil," VIII 12/YAQEEN
INTERNATIONAL, Karachi, 22/X-1974.
[19] "Biblical Evidence on Jesus being a Servant of God and
having no Share in Divõnõty," by Dr. Muhammad Taqiyaddin
Al-Hilali, Ph.D (Berlin), Professor at Medõna University
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