Pocket Quran for Nokia Series
60v1 (versions 1 and 2) like 6600 and similar devices. v0.96b. The complete Holy Quran in Arabic for Nokia Series 60 (v1 and
v2) for FREE. Pocket Quran runs natively on Symbian OS and does
not require Arabic support. The text has full "Tashkeel".
Includes verse numbers, division markers, and search
capabilities! DOWNLOAD
[254 kb]
Pocket Quran for Nokia Series 60v3
- like Nokia N and E series (N80, E62, ...) and similar devices. v0.96.2b.
complete Holy Quran in Arabic for Nokia Series 60v3 for FREE.
Pocket Quran runs natively on Symbian OS and does not require
Arabic support. The text has full "Tashkeel". Includes verse numbers,
division markers, and search capabilities! Must have a
phone with medium or hi-resolution screen.
Pocket Quran for Nokia 9500
and 9300 series v0.96.1b The
complete Holy Quran in Arabic for Nokia Series 9300 and 9500 for FREE. With search capabilities!
[254 kb]
Pocket Quran for
Java-enabled Phones v0.95b (requires MIDP 2.0 support)
-- The complete Holy Quran in
Arabic for Java-enabled phones. Includes verse number
and division markers, with search capability..
Pocket Quran for Series 90
(Nokia 7710 & compatibles) v0.97b --
complete Holy Quran in Arabic for Series 90 (like Nokia 7710)
for FREE, with search capabilities.
DOWNLOAD [266 kb]
Pocket Quran for UIQ2 devices (like Sony Ericsson
P900) v0.96b The complete Holy
Quran in Arabic for UIQ2 (P800, P900 and above) for
FREE. With search capabilities!
NOTE: does not work on UIQ3 devices. Use "Pocket Quran
for Java-enabled Phones" above for UIQ3 devices.
DOWNLOAD [252 kb]