The Soda Pop


1 Nineham, D.E., "The Use of the Bible in Modern Teology," Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, lii (1969), hl. 193

2 The Ecumenical Review, xxi (1969), hl. 138

3 Kung, H., Infallible? An Enquiry (London, Collins), 1971, hl. 174

4 Marle, R., The Ecumenical Review, xxi (1969), hl. 159

5 The Ecumenical Review, xxi (1969), hl. 138

6 The Ecumenical Review, xxi (1969), hl. 150-166

7 Louvain, 1971, (Geneva, W.C.C. 1971: Faith and Order Paper, no. 59)

8 Louvain, 1971, hl. 14

9 Barr, J., "The Old Testament and the New Crisis of Biblical Authority," Interpretation, xxv (1971), hl. 36 ber.

10 Lightfoot, R.H., yang dikutip oleh Nineham, D.E. dalam Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, lii (1969), hl. 198.

11 Evans, C.F., Is 'Holy Scripture' Christian?, (London, SCM.,) 1971, hl. 6, 128.

12 Richardson, A., The Bible in the Age of Science (London, SCM.), 1961, hl. 158-163.

13 Hodgson, L., "God and the Bible," On the Authority of the Bible (London, SPCK.) 1960, hl. 95.

14 Farrer, R.M., A Rebirth of Images, (Dacre, Westminster), 1949.

15 Gardner, H., The Business of Criticsm (London, Oxford Paperback), 1963, hl. 126.

16 Nineham, D.E., Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, lii (1969), hl. 184.

17 Evans, C.F., Is 'Holy Scripture' Christian?, hl. 59.

18 Barr, J., "Judaism - Its Continuity with the Bible", the seventh Montefiore Memorial Lecture (Southampton University, England), 1968.

19 Hodgson, L., For Faith and Freedom I, hl. 78. Dikutip oleh Nineham, D.E. dalam, On the Authority of the Bible (London, SPCK.), 1960, hl. 94.

20 Vawter, B., Biblical Inspiration, (London, Hutchinson), 1972, hl. 102.

21 Kelsey, D., "Appeals to Scripture in Theology," Journal of Religion, xlviii (1968), hl. 1-21.

22 Bultmann, R., Teology of the New Testament, II (London, SCM.) 1955, hl. 237-241.

23 Hick, J., Faith and Knowledge hl. 127-132, 134-139, 196-198.

24 Kaufman, G.D., "What shall we do with the Bible?", Interpretation xxv (1971), hl. 95-112.

25 Helm, P., "Revealed Propositions and Timeless Truths," Religious Studies, viii (1972) hl 127-136.

26 Ritschl, D., "A Plea for the Maxim: Scripture and Tradition," Interpretation, xxv (1971), hl. 113-128, khususnya hl. 119.

27 The Ecumenical Review, xxi (1969), hl. 147 ber.

28 Dodd, C.H., The Authority of the Bible (edisi ke II, London, Fontana, 1960).

29 Louvain, 1971, hl. 17.

30 Beegle, D.M., dalam Interpretation, xxiv (1970). hl. 526.



Alkitab di Dunia Modern (The Bible in the Modern World) Prof. James Barr Terjemahan Dr. I.J. Cairns BPK/8331086/7 Penerbit BPK Gunung Mulia, 1979 Kwitang 22, Jakarta Pusat  

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